HTDC is open to sponsoring events that promote Hawaiʻi’s innovation and technology community. Examples of sponsored events include:
Apply for Sponsorship
Hawaiʻi is fast becoming a vibrant innovation and startup hub with new organizations providing programs and events that encourage collaboration and new company formation. These organizations are critical in the growth of Hawaiʻi’s tech and innovation economy. To apply for sponsorship:
- First, read HTDC Sponsorships, RFP-25-001-HTDC on our procurement opportunities page.
- Complete an online application form found on the procurement opportunities page for RFP-25-001-HTDC. Applications should be submitted a minimum of six (6) weeks prior to the event.
- Organizations must be HCE compliant.
- A committee will review each application to determine if the event meets HTDC’s mission. Organizer may be contacted for further information.
Frequently Asked Question’s
HTDC is seeking opportunities to attract the broader Hawaiʻi business community to take a greater stake into the technology and growth sector within the tech startup, innovation, and manufacturing community. Read section 2.04 in the RFP document for more details.
One of the strategies that HTDC uses to fulfill its mission is sponsorship of events that promote the growth of the tech, innovation and manufacturing industry in Hawaiʻi. Events include but are not limited to conferences, seminars, hackathons, and workshops. Read section 2.04 and 2.05 in the RFP document for more details.
Sponsorship amounts can vary due to availability of funds and HTDC aligned initiatives.
We request that applications be submitted at the minimum six (6) weeks prior to the event for consideration. Applicants are encouraged to submit earlier if possible.
After committee review, notice of sponsorship award or decline will be provided by email within an estimated 3 weeks of submission of application or 6 weeks prior to the event, whichever is later. A delay in this process may also occur if there are questions about the application, missing information, or a need to discuss the request with the applicant.