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HTDC Selects Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi As New Partner For Entrepreneurs Sandbox

May 3, 2023
News, Press Release

The Hawaiʻi Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) has selected a new partner to manage the Entrepreneurs Sandbox, a coworking and collaboration space in Kakaʻako, Honolulu. Effective May 1, 2023, the management of the Sandbox has transitioned to Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi, a leading provider of flexible workspace solutions for entrepreneurs and small businesses in Hawaiʻi.

The Entrepreneurs Sandbox was opened by HTDC in 2019 to provide a collaborative workspace and support system for local entrepreneurs and startups. Since its inception, it has supported an array of entrepreneur and innovation events, including demo days, hackathons, accelerator activities, and education and meet-up opportunities, and has become a hub for innovation and entrepreneurship in Hawaiʻi.

The selection of Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi as the new partner to manage the Entrepreneurs Sandbox is part of HTDC’s effort to revitalize the space and expand its services. Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi will bring its expertise in coworking and community building to the Entrepreneurs Sandbox, providing a fresh perspective and new resources to local entrepreneurs.

“We are excited to partner with Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi to take the Entrepreneurs Sandbox to the next level,” said Len Higashi, HTDC executive director. “Its expertise and resources will be invaluable in supporting the growth and success of our state’s startup community.”

Higashi added, “HTDC is grateful for the efforts of our previous partner, BoxJelly, for its support and dedication to the Entrepreneurs Sandbox over the past several years. Its contributions have helped to make the Sandbox the vibrant and innovative community that it is today.”

Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi plans to enhance the Entrepreneurs Sandbox by offering additional networking and educational opportunities for entrepreneurs. The company also plans to introduce new programs and initiatives to help startups grow and succeed.

“We are honored to partner with HTDC and the Entrepreneurs Sandbox to support Hawaiʻi’s entrepreneurial ecosystem,” said Nam Vu, co-founder and chief operating officer of Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi. “Our goal is to create a collaborative and inspiring workspace where entrepreneurs can connect, learn, and grow their businesses.”

The transition to Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi management of the Entrepreneurs Sandbox is expected to take place in the coming weeks. Current members of the Sandbox have been informed of the transition process and the new resources and services that will be available to them.

For more information about the Entrepreneurs Sandbox and its new partnership with Hub Coworking Hawaiʻi, visit